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Move Social Activity Into An Email Drip Campaign

Email Marketing is still among the highest converting digital marketing tactics around. Automation helps to make this process easier and more targeted.

Both paid and organic social media activity can drive people to an opt-in point that triggers an email drip sequence. This opt in has further value in that the list of emails camptured can become a custom audience for social ad remarketing. The same is true for using the remarketing pixel to retarget people who visited the page but did not opt in, or people who hit the confirmation page after the opt-in.

Automated emails that can be sent to customers who take specific actions on your website are an easy way to remarket with minimal effort. These automated drip emails can be sent to those who abandoned their cart, view a page for a certain amount of time, or click on something. The goal is to remind a user that they were interested in a certain product and to keep it fresh in their mind until a purchase is made.

Automated emails can also be setup to send to existing customers. This includes upsell opportunities for related products or a request for a review after the products has been received. You can also create an education campaign for new customer that helps to properly answer frequently asked questions.

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