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  • How to face those familiar monsters of self-doubt, performance anxiety, and inner struggles so you can emerge victorious.
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  • What are the real secrets of transformation? Learn the four critical components that can help you become the superhuman you want to be.
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  • The fact that you exist shapes the world. What dent do you aspire to make? Today, I ask you to think about and share your vision for a better world.
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  • Self-awareness can be give you a direct path to growth. Learn how to discover your strengths, assess weaknesses, and unleash your potential.
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  • Will You Take a Stand to Cause Good Trouble? The choice is clear: remain neutral or use your influence to make a positive impact.
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  • Are You Willing to Speak Up? How to use your privilege and own your responsibility to use your voice to make things better.
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  • Is This Humanity’s Most Powerful Force?

    July 1, 2024
    Hiding right in plain sight is one of humanity’s most powerful forces. It could be what saves humanity. Now, try to guess what force I’m talking about.
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  • The Practice of the Reintroduction

    June 24, 2024
    If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a career pivot, you’re not alone. The best way to realize that is by reaching out to your network. With the right list and the right message you can pick up momentum improve your chances of a smooth transition.
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  • Learn to Create Force Fields and Become Invulnerable

    June 17, 2024
    A three-step process to learn a superpower that resolves conflicts, enhances your confidence, and protect your peace.
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  • How to Actually Set High Standards and Hold People Accountable

    June 10, 2024
    How can you impose high standards on your team members? Learn how to leverage high standards to achieve greatness. It’s not what you think.
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  • Getting Past Security

    June 3, 2024
    If you plan to challenge the status quo, you may find it more effective to do it from inside. To do that, you need to get past security.
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  • The Fight Against Apathy and Hopelessness

    May 27, 2024
    Facing hopelessness? Here’s something to remember so you can stay hopeful, and fight for a better tomorrow.
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  • Different Decisions

    May 20, 2024
    Impulsive decisions are often made quickly. Yet, the inverse isn’t necessarily true. Quick decisions aren’t necessarily impulsive. What separates these two different decisions, is how…
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  • The Seeds and The Harvest

    May 13, 2024
    Start planting the seeds of your ideas now by documenting your thoughts in writing, podcasts, or videos. The harvest will be worth the effort.
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  • Sand in the Gears

    April 29, 2024
    Confronting injustice is crucial for meaningful change, yet direct confrontation may not be enough to topple entrenched power. A complimentary approach is to create subtle disruptions, akin to adding grains of sand to the gears of injustice, causing significant impact on top of direct confrontation.
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  • How to meaningfully improve your productivity

    April 22, 2024
    Frustrated by endless to-dos and low productivity? Learn why traditional fixes fail and discover my method for focusing on what truly matters, boosting meaningful output.
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