“What is the dent you wish to make in the world?”

I believe Steve Jobs was the first person I’d heard say this. It has become the question I ask people who I’m attempting to know better.

By nature of your existence in the world, you collide with everything around you, at all times. Even without trying or deliberate intention, you affect those around you.

  • Your physical matter alters the path of matter as you move through the world.
  • Your words and ideas engage in dance, play, and war with the words and ideas of the people you encounter.
  • Your actions create ripples into the world, extending from a few feet and short moments to across the globe and into the distant future.

You are metaphorically making a dent in the world at all times. What I want to know is: what you want that dent to be, and how deep is the dent you envision?

Becoming Superhuman

I want to create a world with more superheroes.

  1. I start by helping people recognize and acknowledge the amazing abilities they already have.
  2. Then, I give them tools to develop even more abilities.
  3. Then, I challenge them to use their abilities to make the world kinder, safer, and more equitable.

If I do any of that just once, I’ve made my dent in the world.

Today, I want to know from you:

What is the dent you wish to make in the world?

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