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Create Easy Ways for Customers to Provide Feedback

Receiving customer feedback is vitally important for the success of your business and the happiness of your customers.

Company reviews can be a powerful tool for your business if leveraged correctly. This valuable feedback can provide you with insights for things you’re doing well, things that need to be improved, and things that you need to add or eliminate.

Testimonials and social proof help drive sales because they make customers feel good about their decision to choose your product. Positive social proof can validate potential customers’ decision to buy products or services, or give undecided prospective customers the final push needed to make a decision to purchase. Do not underestimate the impact that a stranger’s words and opinions can have when when it comes to things like price, location, and quality.

The easiest way to generate review and feedback is to launch and ongoing campaign to encourage reviews on Facebook, Google, Yelp, and Amazon. These are likely the main channels people look to when they want to read or write reviews. Theses sites are also easy to monitor and respond to.

More advanced marketing platforms like Yotpo or Trut Pilot can easily integrate with your website and email marketing to solicit direct reviews. These types of tools are great if you want to request reviews from your customers after they have made a purchase or have been a customer for a certain period of time.

Finally, working with third party sites to review your products and/or services is another way to seed social proof on the web for prospective buyers who are in the information gathering stage of their buyer journey.

Testimonials work well in both video and written formats and should be front and center on your website.

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