The Interesting Parallels of Hiring and Dating
Discover how writing dating profiles can improve your hiring process! Learn to attract the perfect candidate by defining your deal breakers, showcasing your strengths, and setting honest expectations.
Discover how writing dating profiles can improve your hiring process! Learn to attract the perfect candidate by defining your deal breakers, showcasing your strengths, and setting honest expectations.
Learn how to set a marketing budget using two common methods: a percentage of annual revenue or “backing into it.” Discover tips for prioritizing ROI and the importance of adjusting strategies over time.
Learn how to build a strategic communication and marketing plan for membership organizations and non-profits. Discover key strategies to attract donors, volunteers, and members, and achieve your goals effectively.
Discover powerful insights from 2020 blog posts on building engagement, writing emails, debunking business myths, overcoming imposter syndrome, and more. Dive into these classic cuts to elevate your personal and professional growth.
Most podcasts fail by episode 14, but there’s a hidden path to success beyond just chasing downloads. Discover how inviting the right guests can drive significant revenue and build valuable connections.
Discover how your mindset shapes your reality. Whether it’s folding laundry or handling work stress, your perspective makes all the difference. Learn to become mindful and transform your daily experiences.
Forget gatekeeping! True success isn’t about paying dues to others, but investing in yourself. Discover why your talents are yours to nurture, and how to grow without arbitrary timelines holding you back.
How much growth is enough? Our obsession with infinite growth isn’t working for most of us. Discover why we need to rethink success and focus on sustainability for a better future. Let’s redefine “enough.”
Discover the three key principles to live by. Reflect on what your guiding sentences would be. Join the conversation on purposeful living!
Discover why branding is more than just words. Learn how to align your copywriting with your brand’s true purpose and voice. Start with your core values to make your message unique and impactful.
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