How to determine your marketing budget
Learn how to set a marketing budget using two common methods: a percentage of annual revenue or “backing into it.” Discover tips for prioritizing ROI and the importance of adjusting strategies over time.
Learn how to set a marketing budget using two common methods: a percentage of annual revenue or “backing into it.” Discover tips for prioritizing ROI and the importance of adjusting strategies over time.
Check out this episode of Becoming Superhuman with Jeff Gibbard on GerbyCasts with Phil Gerbyshak.
Learn how to build a strategic communication and marketing plan for membership organizations and non-profits. Discover key strategies to attract donors, volunteers, and members, and achieve your goals effectively.
Most podcasts fail by episode 14, but there’s a hidden path to success beyond just chasing downloads. Discover how inviting the right guests can drive significant revenue and build valuable connections.
Discover the balance between being sold out and oversold. Learn why setting clear boundaries is crucial for sustainable productivity and well-being.
Discovering what makes you memorable isn’t about standing out for its own sake. It’s about forging connections that resonate. Be authentically you, like my red Pumas, sparking conversations and connections everywhere.
Forget gatekeeping! True success isn’t about paying dues to others, but investing in yourself. Discover why your talents are yours to nurture, and how to grow without arbitrary timelines holding you back.
How much growth is enough? Our obsession with infinite growth isn’t working for most of us. Discover why we need to rethink success and focus on sustainability for a better future. Let’s redefine “enough.”
Stop using manipulative marketing tactics like passive-aggressive pop-ups and deceptive mail. These strategies harm your brand and annoy customers. Learn why honesty and integrity are key in marketing.
Pay a little more or get a little less. Choosing local businesses means investing in community and diversity, not just convenience and cost savings.
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